So I must modify my previous declaration about flying into or out of Reno. While it is true that flying out of Reno Friday was the bumpiest I've experienced yet, flying back in was the smoothest. It was, in fact, smooth as a baby's bottom. That's what the captain even said. As we were landing the intercom sparked on and he just kept saying "smooth as a baby's bottom". Then I heard the copilot giggling so maybe they were talking about something else.
Okay, Truth Time. The part about the captain and the copilot didn't happen.
So I guess now my declaration is, flying into Reno is bumpy 90% of the time. Also, 56% of the statistics I use on this site are pulled out of my ass.
98.5% of all statistics enter the human body through unprotected sex. Don’t be a statistic. Get your ass checked.
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