Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The ball begins to roll

Hello. I greet you all. I've just gotten the site going and I'm going to get a few posts up here. For the record, this will most likely be a place for me to vent. As such, the people I direct to this page of pages will probably be finite in number. For instance, this probably isn't a site I'd tell my parents about. Not that it's going to be particularly foul, but there may from time to time be profanity. Otherwise, what I'm mostly going to be doing is informing you, my doting public, what's on my mind or perhaps, if you're good, what I'm doing and where I am. But for now. That's the skinny.

(Also, please don't use my real name anywhere in comments. I'm trying to stay uncomprimised by search engines. Violations will be prosecuted. I know a good lawyer.)

(Also, consider this site under construction until otherwise noted.)


  1. so uh, what do you want to be called?


  2. You may call me any variation of my name that does not include all original five letters in the correct order. My name is rare enough that it could be googled fairly quickly. Things like H-dog, Triple-H, Hbot3000, and so forth are accepted. Also, you could just use Hoss. It is clever and not as likely to be discovered. I live a life of paranoia.
