I flew up to Boise this weekend to visit for my friend Gabe's graduation. It was a blast. I lost twice at heroclix and partied most of the day Saturday. Have you ever heard of a rum called Bacardi 151? did you know that the 151 stands for its proof? Don't ask me how I know that. Also, don't call me for a few days, I somehow burned my throat and can't talk very well. These are unrelated things. Anyway, congratulations to Gabe, even if he did shatter my ego. I tell you something, you haven't lived until you've seen a man attack a pinata with nunchucks and finish it off by ripping open its belly with his teeth. Also no relation to the party I may or may not have attended. Ahem. Anyway, the clouds both there and back were fantastic. I may upload a substatial portion to flickr, but not today. I am emotionally drained. (flops dramatically onto couch)
There is nothing better than ripping a pinata up at a party. Okay, nothing better than being drunk and ripping up a pinata at a party. I think the last time I did this involved a gardening hoe and some gangsta kicks a la the "Office Space" fax machine scene. You know what I'm talking about.