Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Dark Side of Opening Night

I got premo seats right in front of the H of the THX. Empty seats to the right and left of me and no one sat down for three rows directly in front of me. Not showering for a week sure paid off.

Unfortunately, the world's least educated fanboys were sitting behind me. They were a unigue blend of nerd and hillbilly. Dip and Shit, as I named them, first started talking about level 50 this and when I reach level 60 and get my new armor that. Then it was discussion as to who would win a deathmatch between the crew of the Enterprise (circ. James Tiberius Kirk), Zerglings, a battalian of storm troopers, Orcs from WarCraft III, a jedi and 50 assorted goombas. Of course they reasoned all the red shirts of Star Trek would die at 5 minutes and the rest would die because they left their phasers on stun. The Orcs would decimate the goombas by stepping on them etc, each proclamation being prefaced by "I know, I know..." I could tell they secretly hated each other, each believing their own joke was the cleverest retread of what ever they had just read on the internet.

An actual snippet of dialogue follows:
Dip said to Shit: "I think I know where the word fan comes from."
Shit says to Dip: "Where."
Dip said to Shit:"Well, look at the word fanatic, just drop the addict and you have fan."

This is when I said, "Hey DipShit shut your gobs, my parents dropped me off in the forest and I had to use survival techniques to find a ninja camp." This shut them up before I could tell them about the long lost scripts to the other 3 Star Wars films I had squirreled away in my parents storage unit but I couldn't remember if it was the one that burned down or not.

At least Georgie didn't let me down this time. I think ep 1 and 2 could and should be banned from future generations.


  1. I’m pretty pretentious to post this Star Wars entry when there was a thread already progressing two down.

    But I was hoping that y’all would tell me what you think and include **SPOILERS** on this thread after you’ve seen it.

  2. no, it's fine. I was debating whether I wanted to post something today and you saved me the effort.

    I got back from it tonight. It was fun seeing it with a full theater. In my case, the children were quiet for once and no dip or shit in sight. I was fairly pleased with it. Actually, I loved it with all my fanboy geekness. The acting was only marginally better, but everything going to shit was what I'd wanted to see in the first place. He really should have just started with the clone wars. Episode I was largely pointless. It's nothing that couldn't have been mentioned or implied as backstory. But there were so many good bits that he finally got right. The droids were much more expressive and interesting. The lightsaber duels, the wookies, that whole opening sequence, the demise of General grievous, multiple instances of lost limbs. I especially enjoyed the final fight between obi-wan and anakin. The way he defeated him was just so harsh. The only parts that took me out due to craptacularity were some of the moments between anakin and padme (still a small step up from ep II though) and Vader's little "NOOOOOO!" at the end. I'm still blown away by lots of it though. Anyway, my first quick impressions. My only regret was that Jar Jar somehow survived. No real reason to kill him plotwise I guess, just would have been nice.

  3. KVC great to hear from you! Yes, I do not even consider myself a praying person these days, but I prayed for you.

    I'm going to see starwars this weekend, and I was really happy to read a NYTimes' scathing op-ed about it, cause now I've got my hopes so low it's bound to be better than I hoped: An Art of Flawless and Unredeemable Vulgarity. :-)

  4. Hoorah! The whole gang checks in on one post!

    I'm sort of like Eric on this. I'm expecting little (even though you early adopters loved much of it, apparently) so that I won't be disappointed again.

    Glad to hear KFC's back in action after his blood force trauma. I know Todd was pretty shook up, and I was about 24 hours from buying a plane ticket to San Jose. So glad to hear that my noble gestures were in vain.

    Anyway, I guess I'll be able to intelligently enter this conversation after the Sunday matinee I plan to attend.

  5. A few additional thoughts.

    I thought it was interesting that it is strongly implied that Yoda and Obi-wan may not be the only remaining Jedi at the end of Episode III. Perhaps by the beginning of episode IV. But it leaves some room for some stories in the interim where Vader tracks down and destroys some stragglers. The expanded universe (including a few of the games) does have the occasional storyline involving Jedi who hid themselves from the Empire for many years.

    Also, I think part of the disappointment with how Lucas does the prequel trilogy, is that I think most people expected Anakin to be older when he turned. They didn't expect it to be about teenage rebellion and angst. Lucas may have been thinking that all the time, but I think fans were thinking anakin was older and less whiney when the crucial events played out. Anyway, just a thought.

    I think I've made my peace with the trilogy. It may not be how I wanted it to be done, but, this is how he did it and I'm okay with that. Besides, do we really want him going back and tweaking this prequel trilogy endlessly like he does with the original 3? I shudder at the thought.
