I don't have much time today, but I bring you this carnage from last weekend's party. What has our society come to?
On an unrelated topic, I'm considering attending the wednesday midnight showing of Episode III, even though I already have tickets to attend the 6:45 pm showing on Thursday. But really, this is the last movie for a while that seems worth geeking out over and attending at midnight. Right? I am undecided.
You know, even though it's supposed to be so much better than the first two, I still don't know if it's going to rise above "crap-fest" on my personal cin-o-meter. So am I going to see it Wednesday, or Thursday, or even Friday? Not bloody likely.
ReplyDeleteWill there be cool bits? Undoubtedly. Will there be Wookies and light sabers and Mon Calamari, and some bad-ass with multiple light sabers? Of course. (Lucas opened up a can of worms with Darth Maul and his double-ender. Now I'm waiting for the light dagger to make an appearance. How about the light butter knife?) But is all that enough to make a good story, or a movie with enduring quality? I'm guessing no.
But that's just my contrarian view. Maybe I lost my geek credentials long ago. Or maybe I'm a geek for feeling this strongly about it, or being pissed off that Lucas screwed up the ending of "Return of the Jedi" by replacing the old Anakin with the new.
As it turns out, I waited too long and all five midnight showings sold out here. Tomorrow will be fine. We're going super early to get good seats so there will be some line waiting to be had anyway.
ReplyDeleteI don't really hate these movies, even though the dialogue makes me cringe from time to time. I think the worst crime in eps I and II is that they make me fall asleep sometimes. Just too much bad dialogue and nothing happening and I tend to lose interest. I mean really, we've seen these actors in other films and they do pretty well. The sheer drudgery of their acting must be partly due to Lucas' direction and writing. Although for some reason the British actors seem to handle the characters better than the american ones, bad dialogue and all. Besides, this is the movie we all wanted to see when we thought of the prequels. Anakin going crazy and the fall of the republic. His final duel with obi-wan. And, fingers crossed, jar jar's bloody, bloody demise. I watched episode I last night (and will watch II tonight) getting ready for the sequel, and jar jar is still inexcusable. Who okay's that voice-over style and calls themselves sane?