I don't know why I am fascinated by these "autotune the news" clips. They're a little more sexist than I'd like for one thing. I think it's just that I'm fascinated by autotune for some reason. Anyway, this one gets good once sean hannity shows up. I like the Katie Couric segment too. Anyway, if you hate autotune, be sure NOT to watch this movie:
autotune the news is awesome! i think that the whole 'shawty' fixation, which could be taken as sexist, is more a satire on the usual genre of artist that resort to autotune. as in, talentless asshats. just my tuppence.
You know, in the end that's been my take on it. They're doing satire on the news AND on hip/hop. I love them all. I've been listening to #5 for days now.