Friday, April 28, 2006

Twice Removed

I just got an email from the parents’ church (of which I guess I remain, technically, a member). It says they’re going to the park or some such nonsense to hand out this book. Yeah, I’m not sure I’ll be turning up for that. While the scare tactics about the end of the world hold a special place in my heart (as they were the main source of adrenaline for me into high school), I’m not sure spreading the fear around as a means of increasing the flock is identified as particularly christian in my book.

“It’s the end of the world! Only by joining our church and giving us 10% of your income can you be saved! Hurry! It’s happening now! Is that Satan behind you? Quick, run in here!”

Okay, now I’m just being silly.


  1. I declare last weekend to be Reinrum weekend. As would fates would have it, our parents ate Sabbath dinner together at the same time we were buying fried food from frats.

    On second thought I declare it to be Cockbold!

    Truly the end times are near.

  2. Would you like to read a tract about Anubis?

  3. The "end time" issue in the church does not bother me...what irks me is that many get so caught up in it they completely loose sight of other, shall we say, important issues.

  4. OK, so nobody made a comment about the "My God is #1" picture. But to me that was comedy gold. Iimagine HBOT3000 standing in some park preaching the benefits of canine deities.

    He is wearing a shirt that says: "Anubis Missionaries Do it Doggy Style" Hi-fucking-larious. The tract he hands out says, "Anubis -- a God for all you Bitches."
