Monday, April 03, 2006

An open letter

Dear Daylight Savings Time,


That is all.




  1. hehe i love the battles you choose. :-) the looming spectre of an energy apocalypse, crappy video games, sure... but what did daylight savings time ever do to you?

  2. ps. hope you're feeling better.

  3. What did it ever do to me? For one it doesn't do what it's supposed to (it's energy savings are negligible). For two, it's a huge pain in the ass for large numbers of people twice a year. For three, why should we all stop twice a year and use the massive energies of our hive mind to warp time and space and move time ahead or behind an hour. Why not just say, hey, it saves energy in the summer/winter if adjust your store hours thusly and let people do it or not on an individual basis? But having everyone change their clocks twice a year? How is that the most optimal solution? I'm all for simplifying life and getting rid of required time-manipulation would be a good start. After that, moving to a universal Time. I can dream can't I?

    As far as picking my battles, on Monday this was the one thing that had actually affected my life the most. In any case, Power to the People! Let us shed these shackles of Time-changing oppression!

  4. Yeah yeah ok I hear you. But it does mean we've got more daylight in non-work hours, which seems like a good idea to me.

    You know what really pisses me off? My house has been taken over by friggin' ants. They're everywhere. I even piled up a bunch of dead ant carcasses (carci?) in their path across my desk and they just march on by, proving that they are not only annoying and stupid but deeply insensative. I'm convinced they have a plan to charge my jugular one night and use their tiny pincers to kill me while I sleep. Bastards!
