Monday, September 09, 2013

Undead Posts

Every time Gabe says another stupid thing, this dickwolves post gets a few hits (750 to date!).  I remain happy about my decision to stop paying much attention to them.  I haven't missed their comics, I haven't missed their insular, persecuted worldview, I haven't missed their inability to empathize with people unlike themselves unless people are shaking them furiously and figuratively yelling, "what's wrong with you?"

Some of the best aspects of the gaming community come from Penny Arcade, especially Child's Play, although I have small issues with that as well, which I will probably anger people by going into later.  Unfortunately, some of the worst elements of gaming culture come from penny arcade and fans.  Like instituting a no "booth babes" policy so women feel more welcome, but going out of their way to market and wear ostensibly pro-rape shirts that are hard to explain and expecting people to get over it because a gamer bro's freedom to say and do offensive shit and still be lauded and loved must never be questioned.

Look, I play a shit ton of games.  I've had my consciousness so far into Eorzea for the last few weeks I'm lost track of which body is my real body (Oh right, this fat one).  It's as legit a hobby for winding down/relaxing as sports or movie watching, obviously.

But I don't call my self a gamer because I don't think rape jokes are by default hilarious and necessary for perfect human freedom.

I don't call myself a gamer because it is about the least challenging thing I do every day.  I'd rather be known as a scientist, since that's my actual job, and because it's genuinely challenging.  It's like calling yourself a "book colorer" because you passionately love coloring books and have since you were a kid.  "I color inside the lines really well, I think it's really matured as a  medium." you tell people at parties moments before they drift off to talk to someone who does something actually challenging or meaningful with their lives.  I mean, at least people who knit can make you a sweater.  

Largely, I don't call myself a gamer because I don't want to be associated with or represented by gaming culture, and the nastier elements of Penny Arcade.  Especially the parts that think rape is just a harmless, funny joke that guys must be free to make at any time, and simultaneously what they will threaten you with if you are a woman and have the temerity to point out that those type of guys don't exactly making "gaming culture" a welcome environment.  I mean, guys who defend Penny Arcade under the banner "Team Rape" making people uncomfortable?  Unpossible.  Unless you hate freedom.

I don't call myself a gamer because I'm interested in associating with people who have a broader world view beyond constant, defensive justification of their own hobbies who don't freak out at the merest hint of disapproval regarding offensive behavior or someone reporting that their lived experience is different somehow.  And frankly, I'm tired of associating with immature dudes who can't handle their shit and have zero skills for coping with life outside the bro-verse.

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