Friday, September 20, 2013

The Gay book of Revelations, ch. 18

1:  After this I saw another angel, coming down the cosmic runway.  He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his fabulous splendor and glitter.

2:  With a mighty voice he shouted:  "Fallen!  Fallen! is the First Church of Babylon the Great!  He has become a dwelling for unhappy christians and a haunt for culturally acceptable but impure spirits, a haunt for every unclean thought against people who are different, a haunt for every unclean and detestable behavior that does not challenge the cultural biases of his congregation."

3:  "For all the denominations have drunk the maddening wine of his dissonance.  The kings of earth committed violence with him, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from his excessive and hypocritical luxuries."

4:  Then I heard another voice from the runway say:  "Come out of him, my beautiful gay children, so that you will not share in his sins because they have made you hate yourself, so that you will not receive his plagues of the mind and spirit that he would inflict upon you to keep you chained."

5:  For his sins are piled up to the runway, and a beautiful, androgynous god has remembered his crimes.

6.  As for you, my children, give back to him, that which he has not given;  pay him back double in love for the evil he has done.  Pour him a double portion from your own cup.

7.  Give him as much love and kindness as the torment and grief he gave you and the glory and luxury he gave himself.  In his heart he boasts, 'I sit enthroned as king.  I am not widower, I will never mourn and my beliefs and my kingdom shall last forever.'

8.  Therefore, in one day his plagues will overtake him:  dead to change, mourning difference, and in a famine of kindness.  He will be consumed by the fires he set to burn out the impure, forgetting his own impurity.  For mighty and wise is the Fabulous, Androgynous Lord God of the universe who judges him, and allows him to sink under the weight of the chains he has bound himself with.

9.  When the kings of earth who committed violence with him and shared his undeserved luxury see the smoke of his self-inflicted burns, and the bubbles marking his drowning, they will weep and mourn over him, and in fear for themselves.

10.  Terrified at his torment, they will stand far off and cry:  "Woe!  Woe to you, great church, you mighty sanctuary of Babylon!  In one hour your doom has come!  And how far can ours be behind, without you to sanction our rule and our violence with the authority of divine right?"

11.  The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over him because no one buys their shit anymore --

12.  Racks and racks of gaudy jewelry, ill-fitting clothes, every sort of phallus substitute made of wood, ivory, bronze, iron, rubber, ceramic and marble;

13.  racks of addictive and nutrition-less foods, dvds and books promoting divisive, legalistic and hateful thoughts, distractions from any real experience, confirmation of any bias through advertising and consumption, cattle and sheep and horses and pigs confined in misery and filth before slaughtered and packaged, and human beings hired and fired and sold as slaves.

14.  They will say, "the privilege you longed for is gone from you.  All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered."

15.  The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from him will stand far off, terrified at his torment.  They will weep and mourn and release commercials identifying themselves as victims and advertising commemorative coins in honor of this tragedy.

16.  And cry out:  "Woe!  Woe to you, great Church, dressed in fine suits, black and pin-striped, and glittering with fine watches and expensive and stylish shoes.

17.  "In one hour, such great wealth has been brought to ruin!"  Every armchair warrior, and all who travel by television and internet, the radio and blog hosts, and all who earn their living from the grift and the cult of personality, will stand far off.

18.  When they see the smoke of his burning and the ripples marking his watery grave they will tweet, "Was there ever a church like this great church?"

19.  They will make sad animated gifs, and with weeping, moaning and sad-face emoticons cry out:  "Woe!  Woe to you, great church, where all who had shows on the air and blogs on the net became rich through his wealth, and his divisiveness, and his comforting confirmation biases and his cognitive dissonance!  In one, commercial-free hour, he has been brought to ruin!"

20.  Rejoice over him, you heathens!  Rejoice you children of the androgynous God!  Rejoice, gay apostles and prophets!  For our androgynous God has allowed him to judge himself, with the judgement he imposed upon you.

21.  Then a mighty drag queen picked up an SUV the size of a boulder and threw it into the sea, and said:  "With a fucking quickness, the great church of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again."

22.  The music of panflutists, identity rock and painfully repressed people will never be heard in you again.  No wage slavery and intellectual poverty will every be found in you again.  The pounding drumbeat of conformity will never be found in you again.

23.  The light of false hope and conditional love, will never shine in you again.  The voice of the pastor saying "grooms are like this and brides are like this," will never be found again.  Your merchants were the world's worst and most self-important people.  By your magic spell, all the nations of western civilization were led astray.

24.  In him was found the blood of prophets, and androgynous God's wholly different, wholly human and wholly loved, and holy queer people, of all queers who have been slaughtered upon the earth.

ch. 19

1.  After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in the heavens, from the cosmic runway and beyond, shouting:  "At long-fucking-last!  Cleverness, compassion and justice belong to our wholly beautiful and androgynous God.

2.  For helpful and just are her actions, and incisive and true are his words.  She has condemned the great charlatan who corrupted the earth by his violence and smallness and bigotry and selfishness.  He has avenged on him the blood of his beautiful, wanted, necessary and loved children.

3.  And again they shouted:  "At-long-fucking-last!  We are as free and as human as the rest of you and exist without shame or punishment for loving one another.  And the church that punished love in the name of love, sinks downward, forever and ever, under the weight of it's own hypocrisy and dissonance and shame."

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