Thursday, August 02, 2012


Do I really want to say something about Chik-fil-a?  I guess.

First, how hypocritical is it of people who were calling for boycotts of Oreos because of their support for gay rights to be falling dramatically onto fainting couches now that Chik-fil-a is getting boycott calls for opposing gay rights?  The mental gymastics it takes to justify this opinion is kind of mind-boggling.  They basically have to assume their opinion is privileged because it comes from the bible.  It isn't.  If it's okay that you boycott gay rights supporters, it's okay if other people boycott gay rights opposers.  It's not discrimination of your beliefs that other people don't like your beliefs and tell you so.

Second, it was stupid of democratic mayors to try and interfere with chick-fil-a.  Absent active discrimination of employees or customers, there's no reason for the government to get involved (and I know some would argue, even then).  They actually do have a right to sell chicken and be run by a bigot without government interference.

Third, seriously?  You want to be known as "that guy who lined up for a bucket of chicken to make sure everyone knew how much he hated gays?"  Good luck with that.

Fourth,  I look forward to reading about this in the history books.  That moving, and emotional moment in history when a bunch of people bought chicken to make sure gay people knew their shallowly examined religious beliefs prevent them from considering gay people full members of society.  I would say, "our cultural conversations could not get any stupider," but I know I'll be proved wrong in the next 3 months.

Fifth, this is not a both sides do it kind of thing.  Gay people want the right to marry and they want religious bigots to get out of the way.  Yes, both sides need to understand the other side doesn't have to celebrate them for their beliefs or lifestyles.  Certain evangelicals are acting like it's a tremendous intrusion on their rights to have a civic government recognize the marriage rights of consenting adults in monogamous, committed relationships, and then have to live with those people in the same society.  This is so patently and obviously untrue I'm not sure how grown-ass adults make this argument.  It's a big world, and we all have to interact with people who don't live their lives in the way we would choose to.  They might still be good people even so.  It will be okay.  Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I agree that it is free speech for the LGBTQAIA community to avoid this place but that governments should not target them absent actual discrimination.
