Ye gods, what a failure of a week. Up all night playing WoW of all the goddamn things. Waking up late, late to the office, unable to focus until 8 or so. Horrible goddamn cycle. The magic of iPad will not let me link the video I want to link (less because of iPad I think, more because the RIAA doesn't like linking songs without flash advertising). Anyway. Fuck it man, just fuck it (this is more of a stephen colbert reference from America the audio book than a genuine "oh despair" comment).
September -
Depression, Anxiety and after surgery blues - 4
Soylent H - 0
Time to go write in my other totally public diary that no one knows about. Or perhaps in a private diary. Or perhaps, tagging box cars as I am wont to do these days.
In a way I can relate. The family was gone yesterday and I ended up playing about 7 hours of Runes of Magic (WoW-like MMORPG) yesterday. MEssed up my cycle too. I slept in until 8:30 which NEVER happens.