Wednesday, September 01, 2010

State of the H

1). Fell offa my skateboard last Thursday. Find out Monday morning there are small compression fractures in the right elbow. Only today can I bend it far enough to feed myself. Hurts like hell. Pain management has been the prom them this week. Mostly irritated that the pain gets in the way of working and exercising. Still: FRAK.

2). Sleep schedule is completely out of control. Tangentially related to item 3. Bedtime last two mornings has been 6am+. It's like the better one part of my life gets, the more another has to deteriorate to maintain trainwreck status.

3). Playing WoW again. Mixed feelings. For the moment, it helps me forget about my confused head, and forget my arm hurts like hell. But it also delays dealing with the head stuff. Long term, it makes me feel like abandoning all my games, or 90% of them. Which is good, but dramatic. I'm sure it will surprise many of you that I can be dramatic.

4). Been socializing a bit more. That's good I guess. Still kind of unsure what I want out of a social life though. Like I'm completely indecisive about what "my crowd" is. Not so much because I want to fit in with them, more I just don't really understand what kind of person fits in with me.

5). The depression is moderately better. Still by no means resolved though. Still fuzzy about some crucial life issues I would dearly love to resolve. I don't know. Shrinking my world a bit until I can figure it out.


  1. Stop playing WoW. you must do this.

  2. It is, for the moment, the only thing that takes my mind off of arm pain. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I've played for 3 nights and I'm already close to fed up with it.
