Monday, February 23, 2009

Popular wisdom fails again

So, apparently antioxidants have been shown to have no effect on cancer rates whatsoever. So what the hell are they good for? Apparently, they are still possibly good for a few other things, but who knows at this point. I think the best thing to do is just eat a balanced diet with lots of raw fruits and veggies and hope for the best.

Still, every time a study like this comes out it destroying years of accumulated popular medical wisdom, reminds me that medically we're still in the dark ages on many, many subjects. I just have no confidence that we really have a firm grasp on the subtleties of the biochemistry in the human body. But I think it's improving, just slowly. Here's to hoping we're living with star trek medicine in the near future.


  1. It reminds me of those various food ads we get every so often, the "this food is good for you this month" against "this food is bad for you this month".
    I remember potato getting this treatment. There would be ads glorifying the potato as the new saviour, but then "studies" come out saying its not that great.
    I guess this cycle will continue on ad nauseum ;)

  2. This is why a diet of 100% junk food is best.
