Thursday, February 26, 2009

Climbing the Walls

Been kinda sickish last few days. Have plans for podcasts, but not likely to appear until this weekend, or unless I stay home from work sick tomorrow. Last night was kind of a bizzarre night of no sleep. Apart from various symptoms, one of which was extremely annoying but probably too personal to throw out on the internet, my cats kept me up.

Oh, I forgot to mention on the blog! I have gotten my ex to take her birds back. The house is once again mine. And I finally have a regular person sanctuary instead of a bird sanctuary. I miss the birds, cause I liked them, but I'm positive it was the best thing that could have happened for all of us. Sooo, long story short. The cats are allowed in the bedroom again.

ANYWAY, the cats now work in shifts to keep me awake. If I close the door to prevent Zapp from playing with me, zatanna whines piteously and scratchs on the door endlessly. If I leave it open so she can snuggle on the bed with me, zapp comes in about every 2 hours starting at 6am asking for food, or just generally waking me up cause he thinks I should be awake after I feed him. Sooo, I may have to put a littler, some food and water in the bedroom and just give zatanna bedroom privileges for the night. If it ain't one thing it's another.

Anyway, things are proceeding according to plan for the most part. Getting the birds out was a big checkbox. Now I"m just waiting to hear from my boss in a week or two to know how I'm getting to Portland. In the meantime, I'm sick, irritated that I can't go swimming when I'm sick (or that it's not a good idea to) , and generally trying not to climb the walls. Which brings us to the video of the day, the lyrics of which seem almost perfect to what I'm feeling these days. Song first, then lyrics if you click all the way through to the full post.

Climbing The Walls

I can't talk, I got to go
Don't call me back, I won't get the door
Got to focus on the job
'Cause I got a new job climbing the walls

I was grinding my teeth, I was wasting my youth
And using up my teeth
Now I'm done chewing my nails
Hanging my head, chasing my tail
It got so bad I quit my job
Then I got a new job climbing the walls

Too much junk, too much junk
Can we please clear out this house?
In the trunk, in the trunk
And then we'll take it all to the dump
Then we won't need the car
'Cause we'll stay where we are
And I'll have all this room

I got tired of pacing the floor
Sick of it all, I'm done with the floor
Walked away ever since I got a new job climbing the walls

I was grinding my teeth, I was wasting my youth
And using up my teeth
Now I'm done chewing my nails
Hanging my head, chasing my tail
It got so bad I quit my job
Then I got a new job climbing the walls

The deep end, the deep end
People talk a lot, but they don't know
They pretend, they pretend
They don't really know how deep it goes

Now I misunderstood,
Thought the wall was just good
For staring blankly at

I got tired of pacing the floor
Sick of it all, I'm done with the floor
Walked away ever since I got a new job climbing the walls

Now I'm done chewing my nails
Hanging my head, chasing my tail
It got so bad I quit my job
Then I got a new job climbing the walls
Got a new job climbing the walls
Got a new job climbing the walls

Monday, February 23, 2009

Popular wisdom fails again

So, apparently antioxidants have been shown to have no effect on cancer rates whatsoever. So what the hell are they good for? Apparently, they are still possibly good for a few other things, but who knows at this point. I think the best thing to do is just eat a balanced diet with lots of raw fruits and veggies and hope for the best.

Still, every time a study like this comes out it destroying years of accumulated popular medical wisdom, reminds me that medically we're still in the dark ages on many, many subjects. I just have no confidence that we really have a firm grasp on the subtleties of the biochemistry in the human body. But I think it's improving, just slowly. Here's to hoping we're living with star trek medicine in the near future.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Summer Must Die

For my Aussie friends who are suffering through a really bad and hot summer, I present: Bad Poetry

Summer Must Die

Mad Doctor Drongo was Crazy
He lived in the house up the hill
Redundantly named and quite lazy
He was probably mentally ill

Mad Doctor Drongo was Mocked
We made fun of him without any guilt
He ignored us behind doors that were locked
and just tinkered and thinkered and built.

Mad Doctor Drongo was Fated
He would save us though we knew it not
When the coolness springtime abated
and the summer became maliciously hot

Mad Doctor Drongo was Steaming
As he busted out his door in the heat
"My aircon is overloaded and screaming!
And this sidewalk is burning my feet!"

Mad Doctor Drongo was Furious
He turned mad eyes up to the sky
"If summer brings heat so injurious,
Then I declare Summer Must DIE!"

Mad Doctor Drongo Created
He made gizmos and gadgets and rays
He pointed them all at the sky and then stated,
"Almost there, give me just a few days!"

Mad Doctor Drongo was Victorious
The flush of triumph bright in his cheeks
His creation that killed summer was glorious
And it only took him 12.5 weeks!


Ah thank, you thank you very much. Ah, I had forgotten how much fun it is to write vogon poetry.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"saving" money

So, I'm all about saving money for the inevitable move to Portland, but this month, celebrating not having to pay a $350 monthly cell phone bill anymore, I bought one movie "Hulk vs Thor vs Wolverine" and a few really, really good books. Also, since my car stereo has not worked in over a year, I went to best buy and bought a Sony CD player with an aux hook up for my iphone which cost less than a hundred dollars that I am very happy with. All told, it sums up to less than the cell phone would have been, but I do need to get back into savings mode. The stereo I don't regret at all though. If I'm going to be driving back and forth between here and Portland I'm going to want a good car stereo. I had forgotten how nice it is to have one that works.

As for Portland, I've pretty much decided I"m going whether my boss okays it or not. Now it's just a matter of details. Cause seriously, I'm just done with Reno.

Friday, February 13, 2009

zombie H - the revenge

J was a better brother to me on my birthday than I was on his. He popped champagne and then hid my present around the living room and made me search for it. Good times.

In other news, last couple of nights have been a disaster sleep-wise. I still hasn't kept me from swimming, but it has kept me from doing a full wii fit workout. I'm going to have to nip that in the bud I think. Zombie H does not get to drag me back into my old routine! My old routine was bullshit! Soylent H must live. . . . live!

So, break out the chainsaws, we're going zombie hunting.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Soylent H's First Law

Everyone looks cute in swimming goggles and a swimming cap and a bathing suit. No exceptions.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Ashes to Ashes Wednesday

Well, Tuesday kind of sucked but wasn't that bad. Today I'm getting hints from co-workers that boss might not be able to OK Portland move for a few more weeks because this is like the busiest time of year for people in our business. Deep sigh. Another trip to Portland may be in order. In the meantime, one of my favorite songs.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Getting the hang of Tuesday

You ever have days where you feel like you're about 2 seconds from putting your foot in your mouth or about to trigger the release for the trap door you didn't realize you are standing on? Proceeding cautiously . . ..

Oh, what I wouldn't give for the comforting might of Thor's day on a Tuesday.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Oh Frabulous Day

My ex has, at long last, over a year after she stopped sleeping here, retrieved 99.9% of her inanimate objects. And now, I do the dance of joy, for this is the dawning of the age of aquarius.

Of course, next part of the plan is to get her to take her birds back. Still, all is proceeding as I have forseen it.