Monday, December 17, 2007

Saving the best for last

That last song on the new TMBG album (The Mesopotamians) is great. I loves it. Watch so that you might loves it too.


  1. That's truly great! Loved it. I've got to think that they're drawing a little inspiration from the Gorillaz, because some of the parallels to those videos are just too close to be chance. But all the same, just great. Looks like I'm going to have to get me some new music.

  2. Alternatively, it could be coming to you as a christmas present. Unless you've already bought it, in which case it's not.

  3. Good suggestion! I am a big TMBG fan, and will now look for a fully regit website to pay for/download their newest album.

    And I agree with Hazmatt: the music video looked a LOT like the Gorillaz artwork many of us are familiar with.

  4. I didn't make the gorillaz connection until you guys mentioned it. Hell, maybe it was just done by the same artist?

  5. Okay, after further research it's not done by the same artist, but I guess whether it looks similar to the gorillaz or not does not bother me.

  6. Is now a good time to mention that I can't get the tune out of my head? I keep humming the "Sargon, Hammurabbi, Asherbanupel and Gilgamesh" part. And if I misspelled them, kiss my ass. I'm going home and don't have time to wiki the names.

  7. Is it a requirement that I kiss your ass if you misspelled them?

  8. No, no. The ass kissing is, as always, completely optional, and in fact discouraged.

  9. I will kiss no ass but my own...urm...never mind.
