Wednesday, March 23, 2016


  • So that last post is an example of writing I want to get away from. I believe those things, but I'm still struggling to find a way to express it in a way that isn't preachy and off-putting. People are hypocrites and I don't think we've ever really tried adhering to our highest values out of a fear they won't really work when things get scary is the short version.
  • I'm thinking of starting an email newsletter. Almost entirely because of the quality of the newsletters I currently follow (especially Warren Ellis and Ghostcop).  
  • Still working on that "So you've hit 40" post. It's either going to be really long or really short and possibly really bad.
  • In a recent newsletter, an author I follow described her depression as a thing in her head that wanted her dead. It was a really frank and thoughtful letter about living with depression. I think it's fair to say I struggle with depression, and it feels like a thing in my head that is not quite me as well, but I wouldn't say it wants me dead. It just wants me inert. Curiously inert. Never-changing, never succeeding, never happy. Coasting along short of happiness, but just clear of misery (although I hate to tempt fate). A fuzzy, lukewarm, unremarkable, grey goo comatose state that doesn't end until the inevitable heart attack. So, yeah. Depression sucks.
  • I still want to retool the site. Maybe as wordpress. Blogspot is serviceable but I want more control over format. My failure to reinvent my blog really echoes my failure to reinvent myself though. I figure when one happens the other falls into place a little more.
  • I took a break from stubbornly refusing to change by heading the the farmer's market and the Portland Art Museum today. I'm going to make a weekly thing of it, because they're both RIGHT THERE. I had the egregiously wrong assumption that the annual pass was $65 a month, but it's $65 a YEAR which is well worth it in my opinion, so I finally picked up one of those.
    I like going with friends, but it's really quite lovely to go on my own as well. No pressure to appear more artistically knowledgeable than I am, no social pressure to move to the next thing because the other person is bored. Just nice to look at whatever and linger at whatever speaks to me. And lingering on what speaks to me is a big need in my life right now. I can see this being a good habit.
    Of particular note right now are the 80s New York art scene installations, the giant and glorious painting of cats in the lower level connecting the main building and the modern art wing, the contemporary native american exhibit (indian taking pictures of tourist taking pictures of indians was kind of awesome), and the teeny, tiny animal sculptures, the name of which escapes me. Get your art on y'all!


  1. I tried leaving a comment from my phone yesterday. That didn't seem to work, or maybe it's waiting moderation. If it's the latter you only need to post one of my comments, they're essentially the same thing. With that out of the way...

    Just want to quickly say I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, including the previous post, but I'm also happy to see where go with this. I've wanted to comment on most of the recent posts, but imagine they'll be a better time a little later and… I should know better than that.

    Also, I have a blog platform that you might want to take a look at - meaning I wrote it. In fact I'm actively working on a major update but the current version is, in my biased opinion, a refreshing alternative to the Wordpresses of the world. There aren't a ton of users but there is a small, loyal community. It's a flat file platform but not a static site generator. I don't want to seem like I'm pushing something in the comments of your blog post so let me know if you're interested. If not that's fine too. Just keep working on the blog. :)

    - Cheers @robreed

  2. Yeah, I get so few comments, I forgot I had moderation! Also, the last template update I forgot to change add disqus back in. But thanks for the comment, it's nice to know someone actually reads this stuff. What's your blog platform? I would be interested in taking a look at it.

  3. I meant to come back to this. The blog platform is called "ode" (pronounced ō-dee).

    Don't mind the terrible non-responsive theme. I'm reworking that now. (If you look at the structure of the HTML you'll see it's reasonable enough.)

    A long time ago I put together a presentation talking about some key points here:

    The presentation is running on the same ode site under a different theme. A nice feature is that there can be any number of themes installed and active at the same time applied with different defaults at any point in the directory structure (i.e. any category). Themes a real strength of the platform. There's very little ode-specific about them.

    I'm working on a new modern bundled responsive theme now.

    There's a forum at

  4. Interesting! I'm looking into it. Although I still haven't decided between something like this and a wordpress site. I might just play around with both as a learning experience. Either way, it might be a good time for me to finally pull the trigger on a web hosting service. Thanks for the info! If I do decide to go ode, I might be hitting up the community for help in setting up the site. I have some experience with CSS/HTML from work, but I'm far from an expert.
