Friday, June 14, 2013

Romancing Robots

I can't recommend the the documentary All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Adam Curtis enough.  The premise is that machines have failed to liberate us, and instead have just over-simplified the world in ways that still skew power towards the few.  I don't think this thesis is entirely supported by what he presents here, but the idea that machine logic doesn't take us as far as we want to in the direction we want to go in is worth grappling with.  His perspective on history and historical events is worth a listen as well, although I think it's important to take it all with a pinch of salt.  At the very least, it may serve as a good launching point for some further reading.  Be warned, parts of the third are quite graphic and a little disturbing.  Our love of electronics lends fuel to FAR more problematic situations than sweatshops in China.

I want to review this slightly more in-depth later, but I'm still trying to digest it, especially the culminating punch delivered just before the credits roll.  If you have 3 hours and are interested in this kind of thing, it's well worth your time.

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