I've been working on my second and mostly final leaving adventism post. It's very cathartic, but I can't figure out whether it's a simple blog post with general thoughts about why I left my childhood church, and therefore imperfect and incomplete, or a blistering indictment of Adventism that will devastate any arguments in it's path for all time. If the latter, it's doing a terrible job of being that thing. So it will probably be a blog post, as coherent as I can write it at this time.
I think I'm feeling a little trapped by this very Adventist notion that I can't leave the church, unless I present a compelling and biblically sourced argument to support my ideas. But, of course, I don't agree the bible is the basis of truth and all argumentation must rest on the texts therein. To have any sort of successful debate on a topic, all sides must agree on a basic premise. Adventists generally like to start with "we all agree the Bible is truth and Ellen G. White was God's prophet" and go from there and just kind of awkwardly disengage from people who don't agree with that. But I don't agree with that premise, so we can't have an argument using the bible as a source. I guess the premise I would agree to is "Adventism is a legitimate religious and lifestyle choice." and what I'm arguing is that that lifestyle choice leads to worse outcomes, at least for me, than my other available options. The Bible doesn't really enter into it.
So, fuck it. Imperfect but cathartic argument incoming.
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