Friday, November 30, 2012


I am having a hard time deciding if I want or need to start writing online using my real name.  The argument, which is strong, is that I am less likely to be pointlessly offensive or hyperbolic when I attach my real name to something, and writing is more interesting and carries more weight when someone cares about it enough to sign it with their actual identity.  I honestly find these compelling arguments, but I still have my reservations, which I will not go into right now.

I think a lot of my pseudonymity during my 20s was due to approaching my life almost entirely from the perspective of, "no one has to know who I really am."  And I'm not sure that's true anymore.  I am increasingly ready to shed my old identity, including the one associated with this blog, and I'm increasingly ready to just be who I am without any attempt to hide it, regardless of the impacts to family and work relationships.  And if I'm not attacking people or being insensitive, I can't be responsible for their reactions to who I really am.  So at this point, I guess it's not so much a matter of "will I?" but "when will I?"

I doubt I'd link my real name blog to this one, because obviously, but if I do switch I should probably make it my main blog, if there's going to be any point to it.  I promise to leave some kind of note here should I ever go public with a new blog.  I guess we'll see.

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