I was mindlessly filling out a Tivo survey while eating lunch for a chance at a free HD tivo when I hit this page. If you'll look at my answers you'll see how far I got before the questions and my answers to them sunk in. They are clearly trying to assess how much of their advertising I mindlessly absorbed like some sort of brainless consumer drone which I find profoundly irritating. I am more than the sum of my consuming habits you bastards!
Still, who knows how deeply that innocent looking tivo has infiltrated my life. Suspicious that insufficiently enthusiastic responses to the product would lead to some sort of Clockwork Orangeish reprogramming I answered a neutral 3 to all of them and pressed submit, even thought I will not.
ReplyDeleteHonestly. . . I can just see us sitting down for a conversation (maybe via webcam) and you earnestly saying at some point in the conversation, "You know, Bounty really understands my life. I feel like I can trust my paper towels."
Marketing has clearly passed into the realm of self-parody.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I feel like I jumped the gun on this post because you know, Bounty HAS been there for me my whole life and I just want to thank them for that by buying their product religiously at the expense of all else.