Thursday, November 02, 2006


Actually, this guy writes very well about the Kerry nonsense. and he’s British. I am ashamed.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    You should check out this one too:

  2. That was good. Keith Olberman is great. He has become a recent favorite. Its nice to see someone on national television calling bullshit for what it is.

    Also, your "hbot3000 got owned" link was funny, buy by the end in my head it got twisted around to "Xbox 360 you are owned by the hbot3000!" which was bad. Since then though, I have decided to wait until the price drops just a tad. I'm interested in the games but I'm not $400 interested at the moment.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oops -- sorry for giving away your secret identity in the last one. Next time, I'll be sure to use your superhero name. :)

    Yeah, $400 is a lot. Isn't the Gears of War commerical the one that uses the song from Donnie Darko? That's good advertising.

  4. Anonymous12:15 AM

    The Olberman thing cleared that up for me. I hate the media. He was insulting Bush, not the troops. I'd never even heard the context. The media is unquestionably stupid. Why don't they give us all the information? I wonder why we think they are smart?

    So, Democrats, take note. If Kerry couldn't make this clear to everyone, he's not your man. Stick a fork in him, because, like Kramer, he's done.

    Bring on Obama.
