Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Regurgitation Station

"So, when you want incredible entertainment experiences in your lap . . ." -- latest intel commercial.

I'm juvenile for thinking this is funny, I know, but I laughed a bit when I heard it. Does Intel really think they're the #1 source for "incredible entertainment" in your lap?


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

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  2. Wow. I'm astounded. How do they find you? And with such amazingly topical links and comments, too.

    My opinion is that advertising on the internet must be a little like crapping in the middle of a remote highway. You'd hate to get caught doing it, but you'd love to see that guy's face when he figures out what he got on his car.

    And, yeah. I'd say that the City of Portland has more to offer by way of laptop entertainment than Intel. Or so I hear. The ads are a little disconcerting, at first. You just don't expect to see one full-grown man sitting on another's lap on prime-time TV.

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I was just about to bog that myself and googled it first. Here's to being immature!
