Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Moving thought

The importance of good tape cannot be underestimated. Who could have foreseen that the pricey tape I got from home depot works really well and the cheap tape I got from Walmart is already peeling off of boxes? No one, that's who.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I finally understand why conservative conspiracy theorists think George Soros is an evil liberal out to control the U.S. and take away their guns. He is simply terrifying to look at.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

while I'm at it

I'm going to post the video for the song below. It's pretty cool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't have to live . . .

a live of power and wealth.

Don't have be . . . beautiful but it helps

It's all kinds of bullshit that the new Pet Shop Boys isn't released in the states until April 21st but it's out now in Britain. For now, we must satisfy ourselves with the single:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Soylent Facts

When I was in my young teens, I prayed very hard that Jesus would not return until Star Wars episodes 1,2 and 3 were made so I could see them. In retrospect, delaying heaven on earth wasn't worth Hayden Christiansen's performance.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Soylent To-dos

✓ Look into future and see no happiness in Reno outside of work

✓ Decide to look into moving Portland

✓ Visit Portland, commune with soul of city, determine if I want to move there

✓ Get ex's stuff packed and out of the house

✓ Ask boss to let me work from Portland

✓ Get ex's birds back to her.

✓ Receive Permission to move to Portland and work remotely

✓ Start packing

- Find 3 Bedroom house or apartment in SW Portland

- Move to Portland

- Get membership at gym with good pool

- Buy prescription swimming goggles so I can see what the hell is going on at the pool

- Figure out how to interact with humans again.

- Be happy.

Big News

For those of you who haven't heard, my boss gave me permission to move to Portland last week. Hooray! I am including a video of how excited I got when I heard the news:

Seriously, I am oh-so-very excited. It took me a few days for the buzz to wear off. Like I packed half my house last weekend even though I'm not moving for a month. Still, can't wait to leave Reno and get to Portland. Hooray for me!