Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Just checking in

 Difficult to say anywhere else without offending people, but my life online feels a mile wide and an inch deep. Nothing to do with the people involved, I think what's missing from my in-person life just overshadows everything else. Apparently I have the same gross, animal needs as anyone else. Who knew?

Also, some days, I just really question the value of social media in general. I mean, it very well could be a specifically me issue, but I've been on here for well over a decade now and it's just done fuck all for my personal life. And there's not even the pretense of interesting discussions half the time anymore, or long blog posts, it's all just short burst dopamine hits, and everything else is hidden behind a paywall if it still exists. I feel like I need a richer existence than online life seems to offer. Or at least a more meaningful artistic outlet than the occasional blog or bluesky post.

Well, and therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.

Perhaps when my brain stops being broke I'll be able to go on at length about other topics again.

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