Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Marvel Reading List - House of M

Continuing the journey, House of M! Or, "What to do when you've made a character ludicrously powerful."

I decently liked this cross-over. It's the Magneto version of Age of Apocalypse. One thing I like about it is you can just read the House of M limited series and get the full effect. The tie-in series are absolutely not necessary.

Cutting and pasting and editing from Comic Book Reading Orders.

Excalibur Vol. 3 #13
Excalibur Vol. 3 #14

House of M #1 (2005)
House of M #2

#the history of how the new reality happened. If you want to know how magneto took over the world, put Apocalypse in his place, this is that story.
Civil War: House of M #1 (2008)
Civil War: House of M #2
Civil War: House of M #3
Civil War: House of M #4
Civil War: House of M #5

#How human super villians defy and ultimately fall to Magneto, highly skippable
House of M: Masters of Evil #1 (2009)
House of M: Masters of Evil #2
House of M: Masters of Evil #3
House of M: Masters of Evil #4

#totally skippable. I'm not much into the marvel knights stuff though.
House of M: Avengers #1 (2008)
House of M: Avengers #2
House of M: Avengers #3
House of M: Avengers #4
House of M: Avengers #5

#the House of M incredible Hulk arc is marginally interesting. I don't think Hulk really picks up until Planet Hulk starts though.
Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #83

#How Doom falls to Magneto. Skippable.
Fantastic Four: House of M #1 (2005)
Fantastic Four: House of M #2
Fantastic Four: House of M #3

#Kind of a mess, but I liked the premise and the twist. There's a scene where Jonah reads Parker's childhood journal on TV and I laughed out loud.
Spider-Man: House of M #1 (2005)
Spider-Man: House of M #2
Spider-Man: House of M #3
Spider-Man: House of M #4
Spider-Man: House of M #5

Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #84
Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #85
Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #86

#Kind of awful?
Iron Man: House of M #1 (2005)
Iron Man: House of M #2
Iron Man: House of M #3

#i wasn't that into district x and it's not really better here.
Mutopia X #1 (2005)
Mutopia X #2
Mutopia X #3

#marginally interesting because it's genis. why can't they figure out what to do with this character?
New Thunderbolts #11

#probably my favorite tie-in. I LOVE Alan Davis, especially his early Excalibur work and Captain Britain stuff, and if you like that, boy does this arc deliver.
Uncanny X-Men #462
Uncanny X-Men #463
Uncanny X-Men #464
Uncanny X-Men #465

House of M #3

#Probably the best of the New X-men stuff, but I still hate it. Who are these kids? Idk and I don't want to know.
New X-Men Vol. 2 #16
New X-Men Vol. 2 #17
New X-Men Vol. 2 #18
New X-Men Vol. 2 #19

#skippable side story. The good wolverine content happens in the House of M limited series. I like him and Mystique as a couple though.
Wolverine Vol. 3 #33
Wolverine Vol. 3 #34
Wolverine Vol. 3 #35

House of M #4
House of M #5

#They brought back a lot of hastily killed characters this year. In this issue: Hawkeye!
The Pulse #10

Captain America Vol. 5 #10

#I liked this one
Black Panther Vol. 4 #7

#Pretty decent, still love Blink.
Exiles #69
Exiles #70
Exiles #71

#Still borderline unreadable. I just tune out the deadpool babble.
Cable & Deadpool #17

House of M #6
House of M #7

Mutopia X #4

House of M #8

Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 (2006)

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