Monday, October 07, 2013

Breaking down the Equation

Your pet theory =(your perspective)/(ER) - Bullshit * emotional bias

where your perspective is small, ER is the scope of the empirical reality in question and where

your perspective = intuition * no. of relevant experiences + personal evidence * analytical rigor + ∑ (3rd party anecdotes * veracity)


Bullshit * emotional bias = ∑(anecdotes * blindspots^2) + (what you want to be true)/(what you know to be true) + ∑(logical fallacy * (1-critical thinking))

Where anecdotes are constants and critical thinking and veracity are normalized.

In order for the equation to be positive, we need to keep the first term as large as possible and the second term as small as possible.  To do this, minimize the scope of the theory, increase perspective, and minimize bullshit and unhelpful emotional bias.  Please note emotional bias can contribute positively to perspective if the number of relevant experiences is high (in other words if intuition is well-trained by experience), as well as expand the bullshit term if emotions inflate what you want to be true and the magnitude of blindspots.

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