Thursday, October 15, 2009

My least favorite word

Okay, time to punish you all with some poetry. Believe it or not this didn't come from a particular place of angst. I had just finished having a conversation about how much the feeling mentioned at the end of the poem sucks and then decided to write a poem exploring different reactions to that feeling/situation. I think I'm posting it now because it's not particularly relevant to my current situation so I'm not giving anyway any secrets. Anyway, like it or not, here it is. As for me, I kinda like it.

My Least Favorite Word

There is a swamp
where black things romp
and the air is thick and dank

There is a spot
where things drop to rot
impressions where they sank

There is a pole
in this dark hole
with a sign that's old and blighted

“This is the muck
where I get stuck

*I am afraid these words are covered in goo

There is a forest
where bullfrogs chorus
and the wind is soft and gentle

There are flowers and bees
the grass sways in the breeze
and the redwoods rise monumental

There is a sign
all covered in vines
not written by someone excited

“This is where I go
where I learn to grow

**The same words as before, they are covered here too

There is a moon
that you won't get to soon
it's as far as a rocket can travel

There's a simple clear dome
more outpost than home
with a yard of regolith and gravel

There is a flickering display
inside the landing bay
next to scorch marks of engines ignited

“This is where I stay
because I must get away
when my love is unrequited.”