Monday, July 14, 2008

That super Suavey feeling

There's nothing quite like walking into the Apple store, making a purchase with a cute clerk, and then walking out to the car and discovering your fly has been down since you left the house. Smooth.

1 comment:

  1. In the words of Sade, "He's a smooooooth operator."

    I had a slightly similar incident recently. Went up to the summer Marine Biology program to do safety training for them. Came walking back to my cabin as a volleyball game was on, so I stepped in. Played for about 6 minutes with a large group of students and staff before noticing my fly was down. Nowhere to skulk off and be subtle about it, so I just zipped up. Oops. At least I didn't say anything like "You want some of this? Huh?" while thrusting energetically.
