Monday, July 14, 2008

That super Suavey feeling

There's nothing quite like walking into the Apple store, making a purchase with a cute clerk, and then walking out to the car and discovering your fly has been down since you left the house. Smooth.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making fun of movie trailers

You know, I liked the X-files. I started a couple seasons late, but I watched it all the way to the bitter, bitter end. So you must understand that I'm a little confused about the trailers for the new movie. X-files has had some really interesting and mysterious storylines that thrill and terrify. So I'm trying to figure out why they decided to ignore all of those interesting stories and instead put together, as far as I can tell, the least interesting plot imaginable. I'm hoping it's just a matter of only some of the intro shots being ready for the trailer, but so far in a season with movie trailers that make me want to see every movie every weekend, I think it's quite an accomplishment to take the X-files franchise and reduce it to "meh" in the TRAILER.

Chris Carter, you have disappointed me for the last time.

More musak

Just for fun. And just the song, the image is a still.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's in a Name?

Zapp Brannicat
Originally uploaded by hbot3000
This poor guy, I have had him for several years now and I've never settled on a good name for him. He arrived to me as "Bouncer" which was decent, but a little too Looney Toons for my taste. I had always intended to give him a good name, but didn't. He's picked up a lot of nicknames over the last couple of years (mostly from me searching for the right one), but none of them seemed to fit. Among other things he has been called:

Thunder cat
Battle Cat
Long Paw (of the law)
Lady Marmalade
Zaphod (the most recent attempt at a Z name to match Zatanna)

None of those have that special ring though. Until I happened upon the perfect name (starting with a Z no less!) while watching an episode of Futurama.

Feel free to call him what you want, but as of today he has a new official name. I present to you:

Zapp Brannicat!

Dynamic Duo

Dynamic Duo
Originally uploaded by hbot3000
Normally when these two are this close to each other there is lots of hissing and claw swiping involved, but this morning they decided to pose. In actuality this may be some sort of passive-aggressive territory squabble, but I'll take peace when I can get it. Anyway, they are also cute and deserving of pictures so there ya go.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

New Music Fixation

The Fratellis are my new musicians of interest. The first album (that this video is taken from) is pretty much catchy, raucous rock and roll meant to be sung loudly in bars or brothels (apparently). I really like it, although the girls they have in their videos are kind of silly. Second album is pretty good as well, although their sound changes somewhat, which is okay of course , still pretty good. I imagine next few days are going to be pretty much full of fratelli links so prepare yourselves.