Thursday, November 15, 2007

Musical Fixations

My new favorite band. You may enjoy or dislike them as you see appropriate. You may or may not have to get over the fact that their band name is the ditty bops.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    ha! I saw them in concert a few months ago here in Portland. I'd never heard of them but James is really into them. They were excellent. Very NPR/prarie home companion kind of crowd, and a really great show. And yeah, hot.

  2. Ooh, I am jealous. I looked at their blog and saw they had come to Reno and was irritated that I missed it. I'm not saying they're my favorite band ever, but I find their music makes puts me in a good mood and I value that.

    They are oddly inspirational too. They are clearly having the time of their lives. I mean, they biked across the whole damn country, playing gigs along the way. How cool is that? I am now inspired to be in better shape. I can't do 4 laps around my neighborhood block without getting winded so I have a ways to go.
