Narrator: Our heroes lie, in pieces, amidst pools of blood and murloc drool. They appear to be dead. Again.
Karibou: Well, you've killed me again Gul.
Gulveris: What do you mean "again"? We died from the plague the first time remember?
Karibou: . . . Gul, do you remember what happened the day we died?
Gulveris: Well, let me think. In the morning I believe I bought some cheap bread from the new baker in town. For lunch I made us sandwiches with said bread and I believe by late afternoon we, along with the rest of the town, had been infected with the undead plague and subsequently died. What part of that was my fault? The only thing I'm guilty of is making your last meal a tasty one.
Karibou: No.
Gulveris: What do you mean "no"? That's EXACTLY what happened.
Karibou: No, Gul, it is ALMOST what happened. What actually happened was a little more interesting. Do you remember what the new baker looked like that day?
Gulveris: Um . . . I think so. Pale guy, black cloak, hood, smelled bad.
Karibou: Uh huh, uh huh. I thought so. Tell me, did the bread he sold you look, in any way, fresh?
Gulveris: Well, it had a bit of mold, but you couldn't beat the price!
Karibou: No. No Gul, that was not "just mold". You bought infected bread from the undead scourge, and we ate it for lunch. THAT is how you killed me the first time.
Gulveris: Well, hey, I'm sorry for not being perfect Mr. "I know so much about everything", excuse me for not noticing the thing that no one else in town noticed. If you'll recall, they all died of the plague too.
Karibou: Again Gul, close but not quite. Do you recall seeing any notices that day on your way to buy bread?
Gulveris: Um, the only one I noticed said "For a good time, find Gronkelina."
Karibou: Well, my good friend Gulveris, if you had happened to read the notice just next to that one you would have seen one that said "Beware shady bread vendors selling scourge infected bread." As it happens, the rest of the town DID see that notice and thus were not infected by the scourge.
Gulveris: Well, how did they die then smartass?
Karibou: Do you remember what happened after we died?
Gulveris: If I recall correctly we un-died later that night.
Karibou: Do you remember what we did then?
Gulveris: Well, I dimly recall being hungry.
Karibou: Gul, you dimly recall everything. But let me refresh your memory. We were not just hungry, we were RAVENOUS. And do you remember what we were ravenous for?
Gulveris: Cake?
Karibou: No! No Gul! We were hungry for Brains! Brains! Which is why, undead zombie Gulveris, we went from house to house that night and killed everyone else in town, eating their brains.
Gulveris: So what you're saying is, I killed you by feeding you infected grain and then both of us became undead and killed the rest of the town?
Karibou: Yes, Gul. That is what I'm saying. Hence, this is the second time you killed me.
Gulveris: Fine, I get it. But you didn't have to be such a dick about it.
Karibou: My dear friend Gulveris. Please forgive me for causing you any emotional incovenience as I lie here, dead, in a pool of blood and murloc drool.
Gulveris: Aw, Karibou, you know I can't stay mad at you. Besides, I understand how dying for the second time must be stressing you out. Which brings up an interesting point. How are you stressed about anything at all? I thought we were dead?
Karibou: You know, Gul, that IS interesting.
Narrator: NO! It isn't! But join us next time as our dead undead heroes explore this and other equally tepid topics in "Murder-squared: For the love of the Light, why can't I die?" We guarantee you'll be wondering the same thing! See you next time, in TALES to WOW YOU!