Thursday, October 05, 2006

That hideous ratio

Specifically, the ratio of how long it takes to pack versus how long it takes to finish unpacking after the moving. I think it will be small. I actually moved about 10 small boxes that I had never unpacked from the last move this time. So, uh yeah. I’m a lazy bastard with a small ratio.

Which is all to say that we have moved to a new house now and it is lovely. Pictures are forthcoming.

Also, you bastards who couldn’t spare a simple day or two and a couple hundred dollars to come help me move are all on notice. Granted, I had 6 people from work helping, but still. Your failure and disloyalty has been noted.

On a big board in my house.

With your names in big angry letters.

(Shakes Fist).


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I hear your pain about moving (and about boxes that never got unpacked). We moved in July and I just now organized the bookshelves (one whole bookcase is dedicated to comics, by the way). There are several piles of boxes and we haven't hung up any of the art yet.

    AND I have your Christmas present (yes, from last year) in a secure location now, so be sure to email out your new address!

    Indicentally, I'm in Walla Walla! Ten year academy reunion. I've avoided singing so far. Looking forward to counting the number of casseroles at the potluck. :)

  2. There is something comforting in a Special-K loaf. It's bland ambrosia.

  3. I love cottage cheese loaf. And if you want to spare me some more money, I"d be obliged. Did ya get my email?

  4. I hate to move. Moving makes me want to live in a box down by the river.

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Incidentally, I lost track after 10, but there was no cottage cheese loaf! Not even any tater tot casserole! Overall, though, it was a good SDA spread.

    AND I didn't kill myself at the reunion -- another bonus.
