Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I Play Penguin With the Train

I thought I should memorialize/eulogize this before it slips into nothingness:

"I'm big and black, clickety-clack"--Cowboy Troy

A brilliant magical tragedy happened in the 101 Safety Corridor, north of Eureka. Shereen, myself and S's friend Minnie from DC were going to the North Coast "Hippy Dippy" Fair. The truck in front of us pulled off the road and put on it's blinkers, and something black and white could be seen in the right hand lane. I saw it first, Shereen was driving and talking. I said, "Pull over into that lane." I didn't say, "Oh my god it's a live penguin." Because that would just be crazy. But Shereen and Minnie both said, "It's a penguin." And it was.

What space time warp brought this little penguin to waddle across 101 North thousands of miles from the artic circle? A surreal realization, almost like discovering a leprachaun under your rose bush. And our wonder lasted for 5 seconds, the next car nailed it. What the fuck was going on? Our car traveled on in silent horror all the way to Arcata. We haven't really brought it up since. Trying to forget.

I don't think it's last thought was, "Will you be my friend?" I think it was, "Holy shit what's a Volvo?"


  1. That's so surreal. I'm not going to play newscaster and say, "What a horror, what a tragedy." America has seen some tragedies recently, and, unfortunately, a penguin getting nailed on the 101 isn't one of them. But it is sad. Strange, unexpected, and very sad. Especially since the person who put paid to the poor bird's ticket was probably talking on their fucking cell phone or something and didn't see the situation developing in front of them.

    I always hate seeing animals getting pasted by cars, even if they're the feral squirrels of College Place or Berrien Springs. I imagine it'd be worse with an animal that people tend to see as a cute little guy in a tuxedo. A little moment of strange beauty and wonder cut short by inattentive driving.

  2. First, God bless you for posting. I've had the september blues and haven't felt like posting much.

    Second, there are some penguins that live in forested areas, although mostly in the southern-most regions of the southern hemisphere (like New Zealand). Although there is a species in the galopagos islands. So it's not like I find it shocking that one could be comfortable in California, but waddling along a highway? Very Douglas Adams.

    Third, how horrifying. I would have been depressed all day after seeing that. Seriously, entirely messed up.
