I have been hesitant to write more, simply because my thinking feels so disorganized lately and I can't imagine it doesn't come through in my writing. I write offline a little more than I used to though. Imagine, thoughts that don't immediately need to be broadcast! Anyway, I may try and write though it, online or off, and I guess this is fair warning?
Honestly, my particular tragedy, and maybe not that unique, is I have always wanted to write, but am not sure i have every really had anything to say? That is probably the trap, thinking I need to have something IMPORTANT to say.
I don't know, I started reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King this last week and he mentioned somewhere that during the pandemic he just asked himself what kind of story he wanted to write and that's what came out. I think, that is the correct approach. I just need to write what I would want to read or simply what pleases me and if it's stupid it's stupid. The older I get the bigger the universe feels and the less impressive my ability to grasp any sizable portion of feels anyway. Which is to say, age is slowly teaching me humility in all things, which must surely apply to my writing as well.