I have a couple drafts of a story about sleeping through the apocalypse I keep tinkering with. I like it, but it's super cheesy so far. It could turn into some sort of HG2G-style adventure if I'm not careful. It's largely me grappling with my two favorite strategies for not dealing with life problems: dissociating and sleeping through it until it goes away on it's own. I talk about gaming/devices a lot but probably the #1 thing I could do for myself right now is develop a regular sleep schedule that gets me up reliably before 8am.
So when I slept through the eclipse this morning it wasn't a surprise. I got going on a lot of things late yesterday and when it got very late last night and I had to decide whether I wanted to watch Twin Peaks or go to be and hope to get up for the eclipse I just said "fuck it." and settled down for another episode (to be fair, Twin Peaks: the Return is probably the best thing on TV right now).
I've noticed when I'm depressed and isolated I tend to do a lot less. Things that really interest me I'll motivate myself for, but it's always a little surprising to me how important "sharing this with a like-minded person" turns out to be in deciding to do a thing. The catch-22 here of course being I'm likely to meet more like-minded people if I can summon some tiny fraction of self-control and do it anyway.
But I didn't see the eclipse today and I only kind of regret it. I wish I'd looked for a viewing event or had built a social network that would have naturally wanted to watch something like that together, but while I do like astronomy, I'm not sure how much an eclipse excites me. But it does put a fine point on wanting to build something better for myself. I can enjoy things on my own, but it's nice to enjoy things with other people, you know?
Looking forward to not actively sabotaging myself in the near future with a stupid sleep schedule and poor self-control.