I find it terribly amusing that new pop music videos are generally greeted by young people as an artistic breakthrough ("it's someone scantily clad and pretty singing and dancing in formation!!! Again!!!") and greeted by old fogies like me as a sign of the apocalypse. I'm not always so irritated by these things. The last Lady Gaga video (Bad Romance) was kind of interesting, if vapid, shallow and completely self-indulgent and self-absorbed.
Her new video though, ye gods. I hates it. I want those 9 minutes of my life back. There's no narrative, gratuitous product placement, has no relation to the song she's singing along to and is only shocking if you're 18 and easily titillated. Complete and utter train wreck. I'm not sure how the other dancers fit on the screen between Gaga and Beyonce's ginormous egos. I generally hate most pop music videos, but this is by far the worst piece of trash I've ever seen. That said, the song itself is tolerable if not inspired (would whoever is calling Gaga at the club please stop? she is busy dancing and doing fashion).
I know, I know, pop music is a young person's mug. Oldsters have the luxury of picking and choosing the good parts and dismissing the rest with no social stigma. Still, it irritates me. It's like mass training on how to be as stupid and vapid as possible. I guess I listed to songs like "unskinny bop" and "Rico Suave'" though, and I turned out okay. Right?
Also, you kids, off my lawn.