Friday, November 12, 2010


So. A few weeks back I decided the mental clarity and joy that comes from never having to see a commercial at any point in my day was worth $20 a month to subscribe to the daily show and colbert report. I didn't have it auto-renew, missed a few episodes, and since I am a completist and a cheap-skate (individual episodes are considerably more expensive than subscription episodes, and it was expensive to go back and watch the two weeks I missed on itunes) I decided to put up with a few commercials to fill in my missing two weeks. I also, in a wild fit of bad judgement, watched the Rocky Horror glee episode (as noted below). In doing so I noticed that both services now have TWO fucking commercials per commercial break.
I can only hysterically assume that it is their plan to eventually make me sit through the same amount of tedious, manipulative and banal fucking advertising on direct downloads as they do on broadcast TV. Bullshit. I think after I catch up on these two weeks I'm done with streaming online episodes that require commercials for the pleasure of viewing. That's more than I'm willing to pay for any TV show.
We're not fucking sheep, we don't need to sit there and let someone else tell us how to live and what we want to buy in the most transparently manipulative fashion. And for those of us slightly more self-aware sheep, we don't want to sit there doing goddamn psychic warfare consciously resisting manipulation every 12 minutes.
Also, I pulled all my teeth out this morning. Because that's how they get you!